About E.G.H. Music

16.05.2015 21:38

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Look for E.G.H. Music on Google, iTunes, iheart-radio, reverbnation, YouTube, emusic, Facebook, get me rated, and more!!

Update: F.T.B. and E.G.H. Music!! Be aware, but don't be scared!! From The Bottom till we tippin over the top!! Stay connected as we rep it!! Album coming soon!!

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We just got information that E.G.H. Music will be dropping their 1st album by the fall of this year!!

This is really great news for all who Encourage Greater Happiness all over America! For those who still haven't heard the encouraging tracks of E.G.H. Music, you may wanna take a listen and get acquainted with this new style of hip-hop. Make sure you stay connected to catch all the progress of their encouragements!!

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Eddie Kane stepping up the game!!

Eddie Kane, producer and artist of E.G.H. Music, is making a come up and doing something new in the music industry. He can't reveal everything he's involved in, but his main focus is the pursuit of happiness!! Stay connected with E.G.H. Music to be updated on their progress. The new kids on the block are back and black!!

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Eddie Kane, producer of E.G.H. Music, was seen giving musical and productive advice to local teens in Lynchburg, VA.
stay posted to find out why


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In 1998 Edward D. Dews, (bka Eddie Kane), began exploring his musical talents and his artistic capabilities with friends and family in his community. By the year 2000, Eddie began writing and recording from home under the name "Hitz-Blitz" using a beat machine, which he purchased at a local music store, and a Karaoke machine. Working with a number of unsigned artists and traveling up and down the east coast (from New York to Connecticut, to Rhode Island and Boston, Massachusetts, then to Washington, D.C., West Virginia, and Virginia Beach, Virginia), Eddie was able to recieve the best of both worlds in his walk with music. By Mixing dirty south and city style beats, Hitz-Blitz was born and Eddie was able to form a style all his own!! As 2004 rolled in Eddie dropped his recording name "Hitz-Blitz" after joining Living Faith Christian Church in Waterbury, CT, (A result of becoming Holy Ghost filled and Heavenly Inspired!!) where he attended faithfully for four years. In 2005 Eddie Kane began writing and recording again, this time for the Lord and under the stage name E.G.H. which means: Eddie Goes Harder!! Not exactly a godly title, nor is it a good representation of a Christian but yet Eddie is in no way a dull boy. He worked under the wing of Desmond King Jr. and other Christian artists who seemed to relate in one accord.

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By his 28th birthday in 2007, Eddie invested the money he made into E.G.H. instead of buying studio time. He purchased the Fruity-Loops 7 (producers addition) program along with an M-Audio device, a $250 Mic, a pop screen, a sophisticated mic stand, and plenty of high quality blank CD's all from The Guitar Center. Eddie began making hard banging beats and melodic instrumentals. He also recorded and made beats for freestylers, MC's, vocalists, and for those who just like to hear good music!! In the year 2009 Eddie Kane finally organized the label E.G.H. Music which stands for Encourage Greater Happiness through Music!! After coming out of the recession and out of a corrupted relationship with a business partner up north in 2011, Eddie decided to take the move back to Virginia where he was born and raised most of his life. Now in his home town, Eddie Kane plans to reach out to his community once again and spread his God given talent using music as his vehicle, to encourage greater happiness, throughout the nation and for generations to come!!

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Encourage Greater Happiness!!

E.G.H. Music